Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog post #5

This word came from french and italian, from arabic "hashishiyyin". It was a reputation for murdering opposing leaders after intoxicating themselves with hanish.
2.- word formation: Assass and in is the suffix  
(bound, Derivational)     
2.- Thanksgiving 
 "The giving of thanks" Word began in the 1530's. The nouns thanks is a verb that came from thank from mid 14th century. Thanksgiving dates from 1630s (the first one in America was held October 1621)
2.- word formation- Thanks that comes from the verb thank adding a 's' at the end therefore it is thanks and giving "the giving of thanks".
3.- Thank-           s-                               Give-                    ing  
(free- functional)  (suffix-derivational)    (free-lexical)     (free-functional) 

3.- Operation 
 Word in the late 14th century. It means "action, performance and work". From french operacion. Opera- work and effort. 
2.- word formation-  Opera- tion (conversion)
3.- Operat-            ion
(free-lexical)       (suffix-bound) 

4.- Facebook 
word from the 1983. Originally used by college students from face+ book. The social networking site date from 2004. 
2.- word formation- This is a blending of face + book 
3.-  Face -         book 
(both are free- lexical)

Word in the 1610's. A branch of mathematics dealing with relations between sides and angles of triangles. From greek word trigonon and trigonometria. 
2.- Word formation- from greek trigonon and trigonometria.
3.- TRIGNO            METRY
(free-lexical)    (bound-derivational)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog Post #4

1.-  The rise of social networking affects language use greatly because over time there will be a time where no one is going to be talking to each other face by face. It will be either by text message, facebook or twitter. This sites didn't exist six years ago.The use of lnaguage is going to greatly dissaperar and people will soon forget how to talk. Like in text messages people wrtie lol (laugh out loud), bbl (be back later) or ttyl (talk to you later). A teen would send 2,236 texts each day which is a lot. People really aren't talking face to face anymore the rise of social networking is basically thorugh internet. Overtime social networking will be the prime communicater betrween people and the use of langauge will incrase and they would start using words like lol, rotfl, ttyl,bbl, and everyday people are creating new words like for example my friend texted me saying wyd and im like what is that and she said it stand for what you doing.

2.- The spread of internet reduces the neccesity of english knowledge because everything is on the internet. You're either googling it or using wikipedia. We don't use books anymore. Even online newspapers and magazines are on the internet. In time there will not be more books or newpapers or magazines it would be all on the internet.